Saturday, April 16, 2016

How to choose perfect niche blog name

Powered By SEO Beginners School

Perfect niche blog name is most important for every blogger or business. It is estimated that there are billions of websites today and there really are no exact statistics to how many websites are out there. Every website needs a name and with every new website another name gets taken, making it harder to find the domain name you would prefer to have for your website.
You have to need brainstorm first and then keyword research for your perfect blog name or domain name. Choose at least 3 main words or phrases that define your blog topic.
To invent your domain name, choose the one that sounds good and will be impressive. The message you want to express can be one of the biggest challenges when starting your blog.
The perfect blog name or domain name choosing tips are given below:

Pick a unique name


To use a search engine, like Google, MSN, Yahoo etc. and there are so many keyword to choose from out there. If you want to pick a unique name, you must use your brainstorm.
How to choose a good and unique name that are given below:
• Use a translator and dictionary;
• Assortment common names together;
• Use Mythology and anagrams;
• Look online accessibility;
• Create a name book;
• Use names of rare objects;
• Look for some old names;
• Research keyword etc.

Mark it easy to type

You must follow below criteria information to mark your domain easy to type:
• Short, simple, easy to spell, easy to type and call to action;
• Memorable, easy to pronounce, easy to remember and natural in your mouth;
• Appropriate topic, mirrors on your messaging;
• Should not use feature numbers and hyphens;
• Different from your competitors, unique and available;
• Follow the secure rules, and not trademarked and copyrighted by another company.

Pick .com first

The biggest value is that .com is one of the most familiar TLDs and you actually need to understand you demographic. When we think of a website, we think of a .com. It’s no surprise then that the .com is the most required after and popular domain extension.
• It is relevant and reflect your business;
• It is easy to recall for your target customers and identifies your business industry;
• It seems credible, respectable and leading players in the market.

Pick a brand name

Domain name should be a familiar or widely known to a product or range of products, especially a trademark. Choose a brand name because your domain name will be your brand. Your brand name also introduce your style, fashion and trend. When you hear the name, you know what the domain is about. At present, you see that most blogs have brand able names.

So, follow below conditions to pick a brand domain name:

• It should be unique symbol because it is not only easy to remember but also a distinguishing feature.
• It should be recalling because a well-chosen name or symbol also be suggestive of quality, or may be associated with superiority or a great personality.
• It should be appropriate because many products are surrounded by a certain magic in the minds of the consumers.
• It should be easy to remember because easy to read, pronounce and spell
• It should be adaptable to new products because amazon was good brand name for ecommerce site.
• It should be register able under the any country laws of Trade Marks and Copyrights.
• Some brand name domain are given below:
– YouTube, FaceBook – Mix and compound whole words
– Pinterest, Groupon- Blend, mesh, overlap and truncate words
– Napster, Spotify- Add affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to words to forms basis of new words
– Flickr, Tumblr- Misspell words
– Reddit as in “read it”- Create phonetic contractions

Shorter is always best

• Short, available single word domain names is easy to searchable, like or
• Firstly, if you can’t get your domain name down to one memorable word then consider adding one or maximum two more words.
• Groupings of two words works great for the memorable names like or
• Don’t use an acronym because people will never remember the letters except it’s a highly appealing name.

Avoid trademark problems

• You must avoid trademark problems when you pick a domain name.
• You have to avoid registrant’s claim of ownership of the mark and a legal opinion of ownership nationwide or worldwide.
• Trademark is the exclusive right to use the mark on or in connection with the goods or services set forth in the registration and the ability to bring an action concerning the mark in court.
• It is also responsible for customs service to prevent importation of overstepping foreign goods.
• You have to make sure you are not violating anyone’s trademarks.
• It’s not that common for the bloggers and always good to check now because this could kill a great blog and business down the road.

Avoid numbers and hyphens Problems

• You must avoid numbers and hyphens cause confusion.
• Even something as clever as the number one will cause confusion.
• It’s not always good to follow new trends to use numbers and hyphens.
• Pole with a classic name that will area the generations and not be tied down to a trend or fad.

Check social networks

• Before register your expected domain name to check social networks for the same name.
• To keep your blog name constant in the social networks.
• To build your brand by social networks.
• You have to make sure that domain name is readily available to express your desire.
• You must check with,
• To secure your domain as well.
• You also use to check your domain social network platforms by KnowEm tool.

Premium domain names

• You might find a domain name that is already taken, but not essentially in use.
• These are usually referred to as premium domain names.
• They are domains registered by someone else and offered for sale.
• To buy a registered domain you could check one of the auction sites: Namecheap, Godaddy Auction, Sedo, NameJet, SnapNames etc.
• It’s not for sale through auctions, you might want to contact the domain owner to see if you can make an- avoid trademark, numbers and hyphens, social networks problems issue.
• Check your SSL Certificates and WhoisGuard issues.
Domain names have extensions such as .com, .org, .net, .gov etc. You have very much to figure out if you are comfortable with this approach of placing yourself into the spotlight. So, always use a memorable domain name. Let’s get started.

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